The AQUA-L2 acoustic outdoor leak detector includes a special ceramic outdoor floor sensor. This sensor includes an attachable steel probe, which can be used to detect leaks below soft surface areas. Leak sounds picked up by the ceramic sensor are simultaneously displayed on the screen whilst emitting sound to the noise-cancelling headphones.
AQUA-L2 Features - Designed and developed by geotechnical engineers and hands-on technical experts. - 15-hour battery life. - 5 metre depth reach. - Adjustable frequency range to filter out unwanted background noise. - User manual & lifetime support. - Universal plug for additional sensors. - Simple and easy-to-use interface. - Sleek and ergonomic design and grip. - Robust and heavy-duty casing. - Eight available languages (English, Polish, German, Spanish, French, Turkish, Italian and Arabic) and more to come!
Product Principle Our range of AQUA-L multi-sensor acoustic leak detectors capture leak sounds through special ceramic crystal sensors, making them considerably more durable than their counterparts. Sounds are also processed by the display screen and shown as visual signal bars. The leak sound is simultaneously transmitted to the noise-cancelling headphones. This method is the most efficient and effective technique for locating a burst pipe acoustically. Therefore completely avoiding the need to dig any unnecessary holes to find the leak.
The closer the sensor is to the leak, the greater the leak sound will be. Each visual signal bar will also adjust in height accordingly. (Visual signal bars can also be saved for reference and comparison).
Product Videos
Introducing the Aqua-L Series
In this video, we're diving into the Aqua-L Series, our latest innovation in leak detection technology. Join us as we unpack the features, showcase its unparalleled precision, and explore how Aqua-L Series is set to redefine your approach to pipe leak detection. Whether you're a professional plumber, builder, or a homeowner, this video is your insider's look into a game-changing solution. Stay tuned, and let's explore the future of pipe leak detection together!
Mastering Leak Detection: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Aqua-L Series
In this step-by-step 'How To Use' video, we guide you through unlocking the full potential of your Aqua-L device. From setup to advanced features, this tutorial ensures you harness the power of precise leak detection effortlessly. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a first-time user, we've got you covered. Dive in, explore, and make the most of your Aqua-L Series device. Let's embark on a journey of seamless water exploration together!
TheAQUA-L2 akustični vanjski detektor curenja uključuje posebni keramički kristalni vanjski podni senzor. Zvukovi curenja istovremeno se prikazuju na zaslonu dok emitiraju zvuk u slušalice za uklanjanje buke.
Značajke AQUA-L2
Dizajnirali i razvili geotehnički inženjeri i praktični tehnički stručnjaci.
15-satno trajanje baterije.
Doseg dubine od 5 metara.
Podesivi frekvencijski raspon za filtriranje neželjene pozadinske buke.
Obuka i korisnički priručnik.
Univerzalni utikač za dodatne senzore.
Jednostavno i lako za korištenje korisničko sučelje.
Elegantan dizajn i udobno držanje.
Robusno i izdržljivo kućište.
Pet dostupnih jezika (engleski, španjolski, francuski, turski, talijanski i arapski)
Načelo proizvoda Naš asortiman odAQUA-L višesenzorski akustični detektori curenja hvataju zvukove curenja kroz posebne senzore od keramičkih kristala, što ih čini znatno izdržljivijima od njihovih parnjaka. Zaslon također obrađuje zvukove i prikazuje ih kao trake vizualnog signala. Zvuk curenja istovremeno se prenosi na slušalice za suzbijanje buke. Ova metoda je najučinkovitija i najučinkovitija tehnika za akustično lociranje puknute cijevi. Stoga se u potpunosti izbjegava potreba za kopanjem bilo kakvih nepotrebnih rupa kako bi se pronašlo mjesto curenja.
Što je senzor bliže mjestu curenja, zvuk curenja će biti jači. Svaka linija vizualnog signala također će se prilagoditi po visini. (Vizualne trake signala također se mogu spremiti za referencu i usporedbu).
Ovdje ćete moći čitati signale dok istovremeno emitirate zvuk u slušalice. Zaslon ima univerzalni utikač za sve senzore. Napaja ga snažna litij-ionska baterija koja može trajati do 15 sati s jednim punim punjenjem.
Vanjski podni senzor i čelična sonda
Ovaj se senzor koristi na pločnicima, pješačkim stazama, prilazima, školama, lokalnim trgovačkim centrima itd.čelična sonda također se može pričvrstiti na podnožje vanjskog podnog senzora za otkrivanje curenja ispod travnjaka, mekog tla, pijeska, ovala, sportskih terena i više.
Slušalice za uklanjanje buke
Aluminijska torbica koja se može zaključati Ojačana aluminijska kutija koja se može zaključati uključuje dva ključa.
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